Week 6 - Cubs Game Poem

Pivotal Point

As I sat along the third base line
The sun peeked above the Budweiser sign
Stands filled with blue hats and jerseys
In support of the home team
The grass was freshly cut 
Allowing the field to produce an eye catching design
Like rays shooting out from the rainbow arc of the diamond
With that the stage was set for the Cubs vs Marlins game
In the middle of it all wearing black
Was Marlins pitcher Trevor Richards
He stared down Kris Bryant at home plate
As Bryant glared back at him
Only being the second batter of the game
Bryant felt pressure to set the tone
As Richards wound up for the first pitch
The fans sat in anticipation
Moments later
The crack of the bat hitting the ball
Erupted through the ballpark
In seconds that noise was replaced
By fans cheering
The ball soared like an eagle above the trees
Over all the outfielder's heads
Into the bleachers above left field
This marked a Cubs Home Run
And the first run of the game
However this is more than just a run
It was a pivotal in setting the tone 
For the Cubs eventual victory 


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